
(Chinese as a Second Language Research)

主编: Istvan Kecskes    共同主编:彭利贞

ISSN(印刷版)2193-2263   ISBN(在线版)2193-2271

De Gruyter Mouton     语言:英语,汉语



首页 > 期刊浏览 > Volume 4-Issue 1 (May 2015)

1,Front Matter V4I1,2015-05-15,无
2,Acquiring topic structures in Mandarin Chinese,2015-05-15,Feng-hsi Liu
Previous studies suggest that Chinese topic structures, especially basegenerated structures, are difficult for L1 English L2 Chinese learners, and only at the very advanced stage do learners perform at the target-like level. Yuan (1995) hypothesizes that non-advanced L2 learners may have difficulty adding a topic node to the subject-predicate structure and that they tend to interpret the topic as the subject. The present study tests this hypothesis and seeks to find out if structure building is
3,Cognition-based multimedia classifier learning,2015-05-15,Jenny Yichun Kuo
In a classifier language like Chinese, all the noun phrases with numerals or demonstratives must go with classifiers, for example, liǎng zhī bǐ 兩枝筆 ‘two CL pen.’ Classifiers vary depending on the nouns. This poses a big challenge for learners of Chinese as second language. Cognition-based multimedia and paper materials for Chinese material classifiers were developed and proved to be effective for learners of Chinese as a second language. The experimental group (N ¼ 15) used the multimedia progra
4,Investigating the roles of vocabulary knowledge and word recognition speed in Chinese language listening,2015-05-15,Wei Cai
This study examines the roles of vocabulary knowledge and word recognition speed in Chinese listening proficiency. A standardized listening proficiency test and a self-designed vocabulary knowledge test were used to measure participants’ listening proficiency and vocabulary knowledge respectively. The gating method was used to examine participants’ word recognition speed. The result shows a high correlation between vocabulary knowledge and listening proficiency and a high medium correlation betw
5,Abstracts of the English papers in Chinese V4I1,2015-05-15,无
Abstracts of the English papers in Chinese
埋怨类话语标记语是一种表示埋怨情绪的话语标记,主要有 “真是/也真是” “真是的/也真是的” “何必呢” “何苦呢” “至于吗” “你看你” “不是我说你”“不是我V你” “看/瞧你说的” “你这个/种人啊” “再怎么说” 等。埋怨类话语标记语可以提示所说话语具有埋怨的特征,其埋怨程度随语境、埋怨对象、埋怨内容等不同而有所不同。埋怨内容与埋怨情绪相匹配,埋怨情绪以埋怨类话语标记语来显现,埋怨情绪随埋怨对象发生变化,埋怨类话语标记语需依语境作出选择。埋怨类话语标记语的认知,关键也在于对埋怨情绪的把握,在认知结果上具有互通性、差异性和趋同性等特征。
7,“一 X 就 Y” 格式的句法语义界面,2015-05-15,王晓凌
本文探析汉语的 “一X 就 Y” 格式的下位类型区分,分别对其中小类的格式意义作了描写,它们不同的格式意义一方面源自 “一” 与 “就” 的原始意义,另一方面是句法环境作用的结果,格式意义形成以后会影响所组成词汇意义的选择。从类型学的角度看,“一X 就 Y” 格式从时间关系发展为条件关系的动因是句内语义环境从现实转为非现实,它表达规律性语义的句法条件主要有不能带已然标记、以类名词作主语、以时段表示事件时间以及添加条件句标记、认识情态标记和频率标记等,这一格式句法和语义的衔接界面,可构拟一个操作性极强的语义生成流程。
8,香港南亚少数族裔小学生的汉语阅读和朗读,2015-05-15,Priscilla Chou
南亚裔人士移居香港主要缘于英国的百年贸易和殖民地统治。面对南亚裔人口的急剧增加,但南亚裔学生却因汉语能力欠佳而较难升读大学,南亚裔学生的汉语教学遂成为香港当今最重要的教育议题之一 。近年不少学者已明确指出,南亚裔中学生的汉语学习困难以 “写” 为最,“读”次之。但有关香港的南亚裔小学生的汉语学习困难仍然没有定论。本文通过测试、访谈、观课,比较 4 个地区 5 所学校 32 位香港南亚裔小三学生在写作和阅读方面的表现,又透过访谈、观课考查 10 位研究对象的汉语朗读问题。结果发现对于已掌握一定写字能力的学生而言,在阅读方面较写作有更大的 “隐忧”,而朗读由于不是 “听、说、读、写”的日常考试范围,在小学阶段没有“朗读”考试,所以更容易被忽略。文章最后提出一些改善南亚裔学生阅读和朗读表现的建议方法,希望能有效提升第二语言教师对学生这两方面“潜伏”困难的注意力,解决学生在阅读和朗读方面遇上的学习困难。
9,Abstracts of the Chinese papers in English V4I1,2015-05-15,无
Abstracts of the Chinese papers in English
Acquiring topic structures in Mandarin Chinese
Investigating the roles of vocabulary knowledge an
“一 X 就 Y” 格式的句法语义界面
Cognition-based multimedia classifier learning
Front Matter V4I1
Abstracts of the English papers in Chinese V4I1
Abstracts of the Chinese papers in English V4I1
Front Matter V4I1
Acquiring topic structures in Mandarin Chinese
Cognition-based multimedia classifier learning
Investigating the roles of vocabulary knowledge an
Abstracts of the English papers in Chinese V4I1
“一 X 就 Y” 格式的句法语义界面
Abstracts of the Chinese papers in English V4I1
