(Chinese as a Second Language Research)
主编: Istvan Kecskes 共同主编:彭利贞
ISSN(印刷版)2193-2263 ISBN(在线版)2193-2271
De Gruyter Mouton 语言:英语,汉语
1,Front Matter V3I1,2014-05-15,无 Front Matter |
2,The effects of single and dual coded multimedia instructional methods on Chinese character learning,2014-05-15,Ling Wang This study investigated the effects of single and dual coded instructional methods using computer-based multimedia on Chinese character learning. 42 college students with no prior knowledge of Chinese language were randomly assigned to a single coded group (text-only and animation-only) and a dual coded group (animation plus text and animation plus narration) to learn 12 concrete (pictograph) Chinese characters and 12 abstract (ideograph) Chinese characters. The results showed there was a signif |
3,The interface of linguistic difficulty and task type on the use of the Chinese ba construction by L2 learners,2014-05-15,Xiaoping Gao This study investigates the effects of linguistic difficulty and task type on the use of Chinese ba construction by second language learners. One hundred and ten adult learners completed four tasks orally (i.e., an oral production task prompted by video clips, an oral imitation task, a grammaticality judgement task and a correction task), as well as a background questionnaire and a one-on-one post-task interview. Twenty-two native speakers of Chinese served as baseline. Results demonstrate that |
4,The acquisition of comparative constructions by English learners of Chinese,2014-05-15,Seunghun J. Lee and Xiao Li This explorative study reports how three types of comparative constructions in Mandarin Chinese, namely adjectival, adverbial and differential comparatives, are acquired by English learners in a college Chinese-language classroom. We start with a hypothesis that the syntactic structures of the adverbial comparative and the differential comparative will be a potential challenge to learners because these two constructions are neutralized in English comparatives. However, the results of the three i |
5,Abstracts of the English papers in Chinese V3I1,2014-05-15,无 Abstracts of the English papers in Chinese |
6,非目标语环境汉语学习动机的EQS建模与启示,2014-05-15,王小潞,郭晓群,林文莲 本文通过对印尼八华学校477名初中生的问卷调查和访谈,在因子分析基础上利用结构方程模型 (EQS) 软件建构印尼初中生的汉语学习动机模型,探究非目标语环境下汉语学习动机的结构。模型显示,汉语二语学习动机同时受到学习者的内在因素和外在因素的影响,尽管两者高度相关,但是内在因素是影响动机行为的关键。本文在分析影响动机生成的内外在因素的主要构成因子的基础上试图揭示各动机变量对汉语二语学习动机影响的权重及其各因子之间的内在联系和相互关系,以期给予CFL教师对非目标语环境下激发和提高学习者汉语学习动机以一定的启示,最大限度地发挥动机在汉语二语学习中的功能。 |
7,汉语的焦点标记词,2014-05-15,祁峰 不同的语言会采用语音手段、词汇手段或句法手段来表达不同类型的焦点,而且同样一种表现手段在不同的语言中会有使用程度上的差异。本文讨论的是汉语中表达焦点的词汇手段——焦点标记词,主要采用否定测试的方法区分了两种非独立的焦点强迫形式:焦点标记和焦点算子,从而确定了汉语中焦点标记词的范围,希望此项研究能为汉语作为第二语言教学提供一定的参考。 |
8,韩国留学生篇章宏观信息结构的习得特点及其制约因素,2014-05-15,张迎宝 篇章宏观信息结构是负载不同功能的各种高层次信息单元之间建构起的一种功能关系网络。韩国留学生论证性语篇宏观信息结构的习得总体体现为一个由低到高逐渐向汉语母语者靠拢的系统化进阶的过程。这一习得过程的特点表现在:习得过程的有阶性与无界性;各构成参项演进方向的一致性、发展轨迹的变异性和发展水平的差异性;学习主体型例选用的偏好性;型例量变在标记阶差异中的主导性;演进过程的系统性。该过程受到篇章内、外部多种因素的制约 |
9,Abstracts of the Chinese papers in English V3I1,2014-05-15,无 Abstracts of the Chinese papers in English |