
(Chinese as a Second Language Research)

主编: Istvan Kecskes    共同主编:彭利贞

ISSN(印刷版)2193-2263   ISBN(在线版)2193-2271

De Gruyter Mouton     语言:英语,汉语



首页 > 期刊浏览 > Volume 3-Issue 2 (Oct 2014)

1,Front Matter V3I2,2014-10-22,无
Front Matter
2,A measure of Chinese language learning anxiety: Scale development and preliminary validation,2014-10-22,Han Luo
As the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS), the most widely used measure for foreign language anxiety, is a generic instrument that mainly addresses speaking anxiety and does not take into consideration of the characteristics of target languages, this study attempts to develop a Chinese1 Language Learning Anxiety Scale reflective of anxieties associated with the four skills. The initial pool of items approved by five experts were administered to 447 Chinese language learners from tw
3,The interactional achievements of repair and correction in a Mandarin language classroom,2014-10-22,Tsui-Ping Cheng
This study examines the different interactional achievements of repair and correction in a Mandarin language classroom from a conversation analysis perspective. The sequential analysis of teacher-initiated repair and correction shows that while repair indicates participants’ relative epistemic stance and makes visible the contingent process of securing intersubjectivity, correction serves to monitor students’ language production and accomplish teaching. By means of various repair practices, teac
4,Factors accounting for acquisition of polysemous shàng ‘to go up’-phrases in Chinese as a second language (CSL),2014-10-22,Haiyan Liang
This study looks into how factors such as Chinese L1 prototypicality, imageability, concreteness, literalness and frequency account for Chinese L2 acquisition of polysemous shàng ‘to go up’-phrases. As the first step, Chinese L1 speakers (N = 92) were instructed to produce five sentences with the verb shàng ‘to go up’. The production prototypicality pattern was achieved. This led to the selection of a list of 20 test items. In the second step the list of items were used to measure Chinese L2 lea
5,Abstracts of the English papers in Chinese V3I2,2014-10-22,无
Abstracts of the English papers in Chinese
元认知是对认知的认知,语言元认知能力体现为说话人对自身言语行为的自我监控,在心理语言学中属于言语听觉反馈现象。本文基于噪声 (Lombard)条件的听觉反馈实验,考察了操汉语和日语者的言语发声特点及其所反映的认知心理机制。统计结果揭示:一、噪声对话语语速和音高的影响不显著但对音强的影响非常显著;这个结果也验证了赵元任先生提出的“汉语音高可以区别词义使得汉语在噪声传播中是一个优点”的观点;二、语义和语境因素对音强和音高变化的影响具有显著意义;三、汉日两种语言被试在语言元认知能力上既有普遍性又有差异性。总之,开展言语听觉反馈研究对于揭示语言认知和习得机制具有重要意义。
7,“ V+向”结构的词汇化与介词并入,2014-10-22,罗耀华, 贺黎
本文着重分析了“ V+向”类结构的词汇化,并从介词并入角度进行了跨语言的比较。“向”经历了由动转介的语法化过程,介词“向”萌芽于两汉,到魏晋南北朝完成介词化,到唐五代时期,“向”的介词功能最终确定并且稳固下来,完成了向介词演变的漫长的语法化道路。通过介词并入,“ V+向”结构也经历了词汇化过程,互信息值计算和语感调查的结果都表明“ V+向”词汇化程度比较高,是典型的介词并入现象。“ V+向”类结构融合度的高低,与三个因素有关,即“ V”、“向”、“O”的类型及其互动有关,“ V”对“向”、“O”具有选择性,“O”对“ V”具有反作用。根据介词并入相关理论对其他语言的考察表明,介词并入在其他语言中也存在。汉语的“ V+向”结构中的“向”通过介词并入,“向”并入动词,在原来的空位留下一个语迹。这是形式上的并入,也是句法-语义上的并入。介词“向”并入,是词汇化的手段之一,其前提是“向”的语法化的完成。
9,Abstracts of the Chinese papers in English V3I2,2014-10-22,无
Abstracts of the Chinese papers in English
A measure of Chinese language learning anxiety: Sc
“ V+向”结构的词汇化与介词并入
Factors accounting for acquisition of polysemous s
The interactional achievements of repair and corre
Abstracts of the English papers in Chinese V3I2
Front Matter V3I2
Abstracts of the Chinese papers in English V3I2
Front Matter V3I2
A measure of Chinese language learning anxiety: Sc
The interactional achievements of repair and corre
Factors accounting for acquisition of polysemous s
Abstracts of the English papers in Chinese V3I2
“ V+向”结构的词汇化与介词并入
Abstracts of the Chinese papers in English V3I2
