(Chinese as a Second Language Research)
主编: Istvan Kecskes 共同主编:彭利贞
ISSN(印刷版)2193-2263 ISBN(在线版)2193-2271
De Gruyter Mouton 语言:英语,汉语
1,Masthead V2I2,2013-10-15,无 masthead |
2,CFL learners’ productions of relative clauses with demonstratives: From theory to empirical research,2013-10-15,Yi Xu Relative clauses (RCs), with their typological universality and structural complexity, have always been central to inquiries in generative linguistics and language acquisition. Although recent years witness a growing interest in psycholinguistic and acquisition research in Chinese RCs, few studies have attempted to make connections between psycholinguistic theories and Chinese as a second language learning and teaching. This paper tries to bridge the gap and uses an interdisciplinary approach to |
3,Effect of home background on advanced heritage language learning,2013-10-15,Yun Xiao Using a detection test and an essay writing task, this study investigates the effect of home background on Chinese heritage language (CHL) learning and attainment at the advanced level. By examining the participants’ use of target morphological marker le and discourse features, the study shows that, compared with their non-HL counterparts, advanced college CHL learners used the morphological marker le more frequently and more appropriately, and older CHL arrivals performed better than younger ar |
4,Acquiring the pitch patterns of L2 Mandarin Chinese,2013-10-15,Chunsheng Yang This study examines the acquisition of utterance-level pitch patterns in Mandarin Chinese by American second language (L2) learners. It is an exploratory study with the goal of identifying the utterance-level prosody in L2 Mandarin Chinese. The focus of this study is not on the pitch patterns of individual learners but those of subject groups. The analysis shows that the pitch patterns between two syntactic structures for the same tone sequence vary with the tone sequence and the subject group. |
5,Abstracts of the English papers in Chinese V2I2,2013-10-15,无 Abstracts of the English papers in Chinese |
6,副连兼类虚词的语法化顺序和习得顺序,2013-10-15,高顺全 文章以“只是”和“不过”两个副连兼类虚词为例讨论从语法化的角度解释和预测习得顺序。首先对它们的语法化顺序进行了描述,并据此构拟出其可能的习得顺序,然后利用中介语语料库对它们的习得情况做了详细的描写。结果发现,“只是”的习得顺序和语法化顺序一致,“不过”的习得顺序与其历时发展顺序不一致,但与其主观性程度顺序一致。“只是”和“不过”可能代表着兼类虚词语法化顺序和习得顺序关系的两种类型。 |
7,从形容词看现代汉语词类系统的主要特征,2013-10-15,陈刚 跨语言的调查表明,和其他主要词类相比形容词的词类问题最为复杂。现代汉语形容词词类身份尚存较大争议。本文以名、动、形、副为词类研究框架,认为现代汉语的形容词是个柔性程度很高的词类,它与其他主要词类之间存在两种包含关系,即词类包含和功能包含,这些都为解释形容词的句法功能提供新的启示。此外,从名、动、形的重叠能力来看,汉语首先区分的是大名词和状词,而且这两者都具有指称性,因此汉语中体词和谓词的区别并不显得那么重要。 |
8,从修纳语音高看汉语声调偏误,2013-10-15,Herbert Mushangwe 本文通过实验对汉语与修纳语 (Shona) 的声调(音高)进行了对比分析,旨在为以修纳语为母语的汉语学习者及教师提供参考。对修纳语音高进行声学实验,结果发现,虽然汉语和修纳语的调类看起来有相似之处,但在调值上是不同的。本文还分析了以修纳语为母语者的声调偏误问题,并在此基础上简要地提出了汉语教学中应该重视的问题。我们认为,教师可以通过一些修纳语的词作为参照给学生解释汉语和修纳语的声调异同,从而使学生意识到自己的声调偏误及其出现的原因。除此之外,本文还建议,在汉语教学中可以使用praat软件为学生提供声调发音的图片,让学生通过图片上的调形直观地感觉到他们的与声调有关的发音问题。 |
9,Abstracts of the Chinese papers in English V2I2,2013-10-15,无 Abstracts of the Chinese papers in English |
10,Contributors to this issue V2I2,2013-10-15,无 Contributors to this issue |